RIDE is Hiring a Youth Transit Engagement Coordinator!
Overview: The Ride New Orleans Youth Transit Engagement Coordinator will play an important role in facilitating youth engagement around the public transportation issues that directly impact young people, ages 16-24, in our city. The engagement coordinator will be an advocate for the often overlooked youth voice in transit conversations. They will encourage youth participation and organizing around the advocacy, policy, and campaign work necessary to create an equitable transit system.
Reports to: Executive Director and Communications Manager, depending on project; ultimately Executive Director is overall supervisor.
Start Date: September 1, 2022
Hours: 5 hours/wk, 15-20 hours/month
Pay: $17.50/hr
To apply: Email resume to RIDE at info@rideneworleans.org
[Must be ages 16-24 to apply for this position]
Job Description:
- Help to create social media messages/imagery/content/emails aimed towards youth engagement
- Assist in the centering of the transit reliant youth voice in communications
- Help create content promoting the Youth Transit Leadership Cohort
- Network with youth and transit organizations with aligned values
- Prepare YTLC members to discuss the current state of transit with leaders in our region
- Manage the Youth Transit Leadership Cohort comprised of youth ages 16-24
- Head up YTLC organizing campaign around YouthFares
- Work with YTLC members to create a program that helps youth effectively advocate for their transit needs
- Prepare YTLC for RIDE Transit Week and assist in promoting the event with a youth-focus
- Work with RIDE’s Policy Manager to learn about transit policies that affect youth and assist YTLC members in creating campaigns promoting change around the those policies
- Support fundraising efforts with a youth-focus
Additional support/other duties
- Represent the YTLC at outside coalitions and youth events
- Participate in staff meetings, prepared with YTLC updates and planning
- Support RIDE events, especially those in which YTLC members will be present
- Be a passionate advocate for transit equity and the youth voice
To apply: Email resume to info@rideneworleans.org
[Must be 16-24 years old to apply]